Error: 403… “Insufficient permissions for this file”
Error Message: “Error while creating new document. Error message: Error: 403. Error description: { “error”: { “errors”: [ { “domain”: “global”, “reason”: “forbidden”, “message”: “Insufficient permissions for this file”, “locationType”: “other”, “location”: “file.permissions” } ], “code”: 403, “message”: “Insufficient permissions for this file” } }”
This error can happen when a user tries to generate a document with a custom button without sufficient access to the Google Doc template, the Google Drive folder, or the Google Drive account being used to generate the documents. See troubleshooting steps below.
- Check the sharing settings in Google Docs template and make sure not set to “private”. See the Basic Configuration article for more detail. NOTE: If you do not see this Google Doc sharing setting “anyone with the link” under your Advanced sharing settings, please refer to this article for more detail.
- If you are accessing the template from a Google Drive folder (meaning you put a Folder ID into the document action), you need to make sure the sharing settings are set correctly for the folder as well. See the Basic Configuration article for more detail.
- Check that they authorized on the Document Generaion Config page with the correct user.
- When visibility is set to “Company”, you will need a Google Apps For Work Account. Otherwise this will cause an error.
- It is possible that a record may have been deleted, particularly if you are using another app with Opero Documents. Test the process to make sure there is no record being deleted and see if the error persists.
- If you checked the above steps and are still unable to resolve, make sure you did the following standard steps:
- Verify that the custom button code matches what is in the document action
- Check that your Google Doc template that is being used in document action is stored on the same Google Drive that is authorized under your Salesforce user.
Additional Resources: Authorize One Google Drive Org Wide