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Error: Apex CPU Limit – Opero Documents []

This error is happening because the document is taking too long to generate before the Google Documents timeout limit. Please see troubleshooting steps below.

  1. Install the latest version of Opero Documents from AppExchange:
  2. If it is just one record that you are getting this error with, check the template to make sure there is no hidden formatting or issues with merge fields. for example, check that each merge field was copied properly and nothing is cut off. If it was a template imported from a Word document, sometimes there is hidden formatting that can cause problems during document generation. Create a new blank Google Doc and try using the Opero Documents template builder to add a few merge fields at a time. Do not copy/paste anything over from the old template.
  3. This error could be happening if trying to merge too many records into a table — the document generation is unable to complete before the timeout limit. Test to see if the error happens when merging just a few related records. Please contact Opero support: