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Document Request Missing Google Doc URL and Attachment ID when Generated with Flow

Issue: After creating a document request in a flow, the Document Request is missing a value in the Attachment Id and Google Doc URL field.

Overall, something is preventing the document generation process from completing but when automating document generation using a flow, there are no errors on the UI that you would normally be able to see if you were generating with a custom button. For troubleshooting purposes, it can be helpful to create a test button on the base object and add the simple button code from the document action you are troubleshooting. Test generating the document using the button. See if any errors pop up to give you more information. Other general configuration details to check:

  • When generating documents with Flow, the email and signature actions should be set to autosend, not preview. If set to preview, the document will not generate properly.
  • Check that the Email To lookup is resulting in a Contact or Lead Id. See “Email Settings” in Basic Configuration article for more information: