Multibyte Character Support
Example Use Case: Want to merge multibyte characters using Opero Documents witch characters such as: ㅁㄴㅇ to merge from a Salesforce field to a PDF and then Email to a Contact with the PDF attached but getting the error: “Exceeded max size limit of 6000000”
Feedback: If you merge multibyte characters into a Google Doc and then choose to attach the generated document as a PDF, Google will create a large file. If the file goes over 6MB you will receive an error message: “Exceeded max size limit of 6000000.” If you convert to any other format, i.e.: docx, the file will not be nearly as large.
To work around this, use the feature “Save URL to Salesforce Field” instead of “Attach as PDF”. Configure a formula field to provide a link to download a PDF of the Google Doc. Read this article for more information. In the Email template you can provide this new formula link to download the PDF from Google Docs instead of attaching a PDF file to the email.