Use Case: Support a document template with multicurrency for supply quotes.
Use Case:
I need to know how to support a document with multicurrency. My client has supply quotes to different clients in GBP, EUR & USD so would like to have the correct currency symbol showing (£, € & $) against amounts. Is this supported if I turn multicurrency on in Salesforce?
Feedback regarding Multi-currency:
When using currency fields in Opero Documents, we do not show currency on the document. I.e. if you have field ‘Amount’ in Salesforce and value of that field $10.50, on the Google Doc we will show 10.50 and it is the responsibility of user to add $ sign on the template Doc. When multi-currency is enabled, all objects get another field – CurrencyIsoCode. This field will contain value of selected currency on a record and it can also be merged. Therefore, instead of ‘hardcoding’ $ on the template, you will have to merge CurrencyIsoCode field. You can test this in an org with multi-currency and let Support know if you have any issues.