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Generate Invoice PDF and Email

  1. Using Opero Documents, create a Document Action based on the Invoice object.
  2. Configure the Document Action to generate the document as a PDF and email it to the billing contact.
    1. Add any additional billing contacts as needed using the Email To Additional, CC, and BCC features.
    2. If you set Document Action.Save URL to Salesforce Field = opay__Invoice_Doc_URL__c, then this invoice link will appear in Invoice.Invoice Doc URL and customer will be able to click the link on the Make a Payment Webpage to view a copy of the invoice.
  3. Optionally, configure a Flow to trigger automatic invoice generation.
    1. Create a Flow on the Invoice object to trigger when Invoice.Status = Ready to Send.
    2. Add a Create Record action that creates a Document Request record.
      1. Set the Document Request.Document Action field to equal the Salesforce Id of the Document Action you configured.
      2. Set the Record Id to equal the record that triggered the Flow.

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