Configure (USPS)
Opero Ship app supports using USPS, (USPS), and Endicia (USPS) as carriers. Using only USPS allows only getting rates and tracking shipments, while using and Endicia also allows creating labels. To start shipping using (USPS), you need to create and configure your account and Opero Ship app.
Steps to Configure Carrier
- Use your existing account, or register a new one here and get preferred rates.
- Open Opero Ship app, go to Ship Configuration page, and click (USPS).
- Check the Active box so that this carrier is an active carrier. When a carrier is active, you are able to set carrier specific settings in the Create Shipment tab and create/ print active shipping labels.
- Enter Username and Password.
- There is a password mask on this field for privacy. To check for accuracy, click and hold the eye icon to see your password.
- Default Print Layout: supports different print layouts (Normal, SDC3930, Envelope10). You can set default values, which can be adjusted as needed when you create a new shipment in New Shipment page.
- Default Packaging Type: supports different package types. You can set default values, which can be adjusted as needed when you create a new shipment in New Shipment page. The available values represent the packaging types commonly offered by this Note: In order to use “PostCard” as the “PackageType”, customers must first contact support in order to get approval.
- Test Mode Checkbox: If the Test Mode checkbox is checked, then your account won’t be debited when you create/print a shipping label. Instead, a “test” shipping label will be created. If the Test Mode checkbox is not checked, your account will be debited when you create/print a shipping label, as it is an active label (rather than a test label).
- Label will say, “Test Label – Do Not Ship”
- Click Save.

Other Settings
Now the Opero Ship app has all the required data so it can connect to servers. When this is configured, you can view your postage balance and buy more postage.
- View Postage Balance: Click Refresh next to Postage Status section title. If you configured the account and the app correctly, balance should display after you click the Refresh button.
- Purchase more credit for shipping: Enter the desired amount in the Buy More Postage – Enter Amount: box and click Buy Now button. If successful, the Current Postage Balance should be automatically updated with the new balance.

Creating Shipment Labels with Note that will charge your account each time you create a shipping label using the Opero Ship app. You can however cancel the shipment and get the money back from To cancel the shipment, click Cancel Shipment button on Shipment page layout. If there is no button on the layout, you will need to edit the layout and add the button.