Print a Shipping Label
How you view and print labels primarily depends on the carrier you are using. There are five ways to view and print labels:
General Printing Information: There are many browsers, printers, paper, and label options that will affect how your label is printed. You may need to adjust some of these variables in order to print optimally. When you print from your browser, your browser will have some printing options for adjusting the page setup and printer settings. Many browsers have a scale function and print to size feature. There are also settings within your printer and paper setup to configure margins and width and height. You will need to adjust your settings between the printer, paper, browser, and potentially the label width/height on the Shipment record (See “Print Label Button”) to find the right conditions to print the label the way you need.
Shipping Label Field (FedEx, UPS, Endicia,, DHL)
For all carriers except USPS, the Shipping Label field on the Details page of the shipment record contains a hyperlink to the label. To print, click the link “View” hyperlink text to open the shipping label and print from within your browser.
Note: Opero Ship doesn’t support creating labels for USPS by using standard USPS carrier. To create a USPS label, consider using Endicia (USPS) or (USPS).
Print Label Button (FedEx, UPS)
For FedEx or UPS carriers, click on the Print Label button or link on the field on the layout. Clicking this button will orient the image of the label vertically, and will display the image in the width and height that is set in the fields Label Width and Label Height. You may not need to adjust these fields depending on the outcome of the print.
When you click the Print Label button, it also should prompt the Print action on the browser. You can either print from the browser or save as PDF.
If you do need to adjust the width and height, you can set these as field values. The width and height is in pixels so you can start with 400 for width and 600 for height and then adjust from there to configure it how you need for your printer and paper. If you determine you need to set the Label Width and Height on the Shipment record, then you should configure a Salesforce Workflow or Process Builder to set the values of those two fields with the values you need when a new Shipment record is created. This way it will be set for every record and ready to print.
Shipment Related List (FedEx, UPS, Endicia,, DHL)
For all carriers except for USPS, you can view the label as a related attachment to the Shipment record in its raw form as received from the shipping carrier.
Google Drive (UPS, Endicia,, FedEx, DHL)
The Google Drive feature of the Opero Ship app saves all shipping labels to your Google Drive folder. All shipping labels will be saved to your Google Drive in a folder that you select. For more details, see section 2.3 of the Basic Configuration Article.
Mass Printing Labels from Google Drive
If you are mass printing labels we suggest you utilize the Google Drive feature of the Opero Ship app.
You can create a folder on your Google Drive called “Ship Labels to Print” that is a holding folder for labels to print. A person would then go to the Google Drive folder and do an export of all the label files into a zip file. Then open that zip file on the computer after download and unzip. Then you will have a folder of a bunch of labels to print in mass using mass print function on the computer.
You may also consider syncing the Google Drive folder with your desktop to skip zip file export step. We suggest having another Google Drive folder called “Ship Labels Printed” so that, once you export/download/print the labels in the “Ship Labels to Print” folder, you can select all those files and move them to the “Ship Labels Printed” folder to keep the label file but move it out of this “processing” folder. This leaves the processing folder empty and ready to be filled by new shipment labels that need to be printed.