Auto Create Shipping Labels
You can automate creating ship labels when you know exactly what carrier and service type you want to ship with and can populate all the required information for the shipment. To automate you can create a Flow that will create a Shipment record with all the required fields and the Ship Status set to “Get Label”.
- Open the Ship Configuration tab.
- Go to the Shipment Processing tab and select Enable Processing.
- Create a shipment record using the standard New Shipment page to create a shipment manually.
- Fill in all the required fields to create a successful shipment check the rates and click Get Label to create the Shipment record with label using the manual process.
- Use this shipment record as a guide for creating shipment record with automation with the correct values.
- Create a Flow or apex that will create the new Shipment record with all the values needed. Populate the same field values as your sample Shipment record.
- Minimum required fields:
- Ship To Information – Usually dynamic.
- Ship To Company
- Ship To Contact
- Ship To Phone
- Ship To Address
- Ship To City
- Ship To State – Use the state abbreviation, e.g., “TX”.
- Ship To Postal Code
- Ship To Country – Use the country abbreviation, e.g., “US”.
- Ship From Information – Usually fixed, may be dynamic.
- Ship From Company
- Ship From Contact
- Ship From Phone
- Ship From Address
- Ship From City
- Ship From State – Use the state abbreviation, e.g., “TX”.
- Ship From Postal Code
- Ship From Country – Use the country abbreviation, e.g., “US”.
- Total Weight – May be dynamic.
- Weight Unit – Copy value from Shipment sample.
- Ship Method – Copy value from Shipment sample.
- Class of Mail – Copy value from Shipment sample.
- Ship Status – Must be set to “Get Label”.
- Ship To Information – Usually dynamic.
- Carrier-specific required fields:
- UPS – Customs Value
- UPS (Endicia) – Label Size, Label Type, Image Rotation
- UPS (Stamps) – Package Type
- DHL – Shipping Label Contents
- You may have other fields like lookup fields to relate Shipment to another object.
- Tracking Number, Ship Date, Shipment Cost, and Delivered Date should be set to NULL (no value) since these fields will be updated by the app when the label is created and when tracking status is updated.
- When the process creates the Shipment record and Status is “Get Label” and has required fields the call will be made to the carrier selected in the Ship Method and get the label for the Class of Mail selected.
- A label will be generated and saved and the Shipment Status will be updated to “Ready to Ship”.
- It should generate and update the Shipment record within 30 seconds.