The eSign Doc object tracks all of the documents you send for signature and their status. Each eSign Doc record contains document information and settings, signature information and status, as well as technical details. This article reviews the fields within each section of the eSign Doc object.
Lookup to the user who is the eSign Doc record owner.
Disable Comment Button
Indicates whether comments are disabled.
Document Owner Name
Name of Document Owner.
Signature Status
This is a picklist that tracks the status of the eSign document. Options include: Ready to Send, Sent, Delivered, Opened, Recipient Signed, Countersign Required, Signed, Expired. See below for details.
Ready to Send
Sent – The eSign Doc record is created with this as default status.
Delivered – Recipient has opened the email. This gives good visibility and ability to followup if never opened.
Opened – Recipient clicked the link/button in the email body to sign.
Recipient Signed – If countersignature is required, this status indicates the the recipient has signed the document.
Countersign Required – If countersignature is required, indicates that the the countersigner has been notified and has not yet signed.
Signed – Recipient has signed the document and, if also required, the countersigner has signed the document.
Expired – Indicates that the document was not signed and is now expired.
eSign Link
Link to the eSignature page. This is a quick way to get the link in case you need to re-send it for any reason.
Google Doc ID
The Google Doc ID of the document that was sent for signature.
Doc Link
Direct URL to the Google Doc that was sent for signature.
Section: Recipient
Send To
Lookup field to the recipient.
Send to Email
Recipient’s email address.
Email To Name
If completed, shows the name of the recipient.
Email To
If completed, shows the email address of the recipient specified in Email To Name.
Email To CC
Shows anyone copied on the email.
Email Opened
Date and time that the recipient opened the email.
Document Opened
Date and time that the recipient clicked the link in the body of the email to open the document.
Email Body
Copy of the email body if an email template was not used.
Section: Sign Info
Signed By Name
Signer’s name, as entered.
Signed By Title
Signer’s title, as entered.
Signed By Email
Signer’s email address, as entered.
Signed By Company
Signer’s company, as entered.
Recipient Signed
Date and time that Recipient signed the document.
Signed IP Address
The Signer’s IP address.
Sign Completion URL
After a customer signs, the app will display a default confirmation message that the document was signed unless there is a URL in this Sign Completion URL field. Set the the value of this field to a custom URL to redirect the signer to the URL after they sign the document. You can set up a Flow to set this field value by default when a new eSign Doc record is created. You may also create logic in that Flow based on any conditions if you need to set different values for the redirect URL. When the Signature app redirects to this URL, it will also append a url param called docid which will be the Encoded Id (see Technical Details section). You can use this url param to extend a process to be able to lookup that eSign Doc record and anything related to that record with your own custom code. See this article for more details: Sign Completion URL Feature
Section: Signer 2 Info
Signer 2 Name
Second Signer’s name, as entered.
Signer 2 Title
Second Signer’s title, as entered.
Signer 2 IP Address
Second Signer’s IP address.
Signer 2 Email Template
Record Id of the email template used to send eSignature link to the Second Signer (Signer 2).
Signer 2 Link
Link to the Second Signer’s eSignature page. This is a quick way to get the link in case you need to re-send it for any reason.
Signer 2 Email
Second Signer’s email address.
Signer 2 Company
Second Signer’s company.
Signer 2 Status
This is a picklist that tracks the signature status of the Second Signer through the following stages: Not Required, Required, Sent, Signed.
Signer 2 Signed
Date and time that Second Signer signed document.
Signer 2 Signature Image URL
Link to Second Signer signature image.
Witness Required
Checkbox that indicates whether witness is required.
Section: Countersign Info
Countersign Method
This is a picklist that shows the countersign method. Set it to indicate whether anyone in your company needs to countersign the document after the recipient(s) sign in order for it to be valid. Options include: No Countersign Needed, Countersign Required, and Auto Countersign.
If “Countersign Required” is selected, the user who must countersign the document will receive an email notification with a link to countersign. It will open the eSign Doc record in Salesforce. Click the “Countersign” button to countersign. If “Auto Countersign” is selected, the document is automatically countersigned after the recipient(s) sign the document.
Lookup to the user who countersigned the document.
Countersigned Date
Shows the date and time that the countersigner signed the document.
Section: Signature Merge
These are optional settings that must be set after the eSign Doc record is created and before it is signed. To do this, create a record-triggered flow on the eSign Doc object, to run after an eSign Doc record is created. Add an Update Record element to update optional settings (listed below) for the eSign Doc that triggered the flow.
Merge Signature Fields
This feature is for users who are using Opero Documents with Opero Signature to generate and send a document for signature. Select this option to merge signature fields into the signed document after it is signed. For configuration details, see Merge Signature Fields article.
Signature Merge Fields Color
This is the hex code that will be applied to the merged signature fields if the Merge Signature Fields checkbox is selected. Default is black. To merge the signature fields in a different color, this value must be set after the esign doc record is created and before it is signed (see flow details above).
Section: Optional Properties
These are optional settings that must be set after the eSign Doc record is created and before it is signed. To do this, create a record-triggered flow on the eSign Doc object, to run after an eSign Doc record is created. Add an Update Record element to update optional settings (listed below) for the eSign Doc that triggered the flow.
Attach Signed PDF as File
Select this option to attach a copy of the signed PDF to the eSign Doc record as a File. Make sure that the Files related list is added to the eSign Doc page layout.
This is a picklist field that can be used to change the language that the recipient sees on the signature page when they sign the document. The default language is English but can be changed to French or German.The recipient can change the language themselves at any time from the signature page by clicking the current language displayed at the top right corner and selecting the new language.
Title And Company Not Required
Select this option if your recipient does not have a title or company or you do not want them to include this information when signing the document. When selected, these fields will not show when the recipient(s) sign the document. They will only need to enter their name and populate an email address.
Hand Signature Required
Select this checkbox to require signers to add a hand signature. If they try to click the Accept and Sign button without signing, they will receive an error notification asking them to draw their signature.
Hide Hand Signature
This setting will hide the Hand Signature option from the signature page.
Disable Comment Button
Removes the Comment button from the signature page. Signers will not be able to add a comment on the Google Doc that is sent for signature.
Disable Default Signature Page
Select this option if you do not want the default signature page appended to the signed PDF copy. This page shows all signer information such as Name, IP address, Date and time signed, and (if applicable) company, title, and hand drawn signature.
Disable Send Signature Email
Select this option to disable the email that sends the document for signature. When this option is selected, the eSign Doc record is created but the app does not email the document for signature. Use this option if you do not need to email the document or if you would like to use a different tool for creating and sending the email, such as Flow.
Section: Email
Email Template
Record Id of the email template used to send the eSignature link to the Signer.
Document Signed Email Template
Record Id of the email template used to send the Document Signed notification.
Send Signed Copy of Email
Checkbox to indicate whether to send a copy of the signed document to the Signer.
Email Subject
If an email template was not selected, this is the email subject.
Email Body
If an email template was not selected, this is the body of the email.
Email From ID
The Record Id of the Sender of the eSign Doc, if applicable.
Section: Technical Details
Encoded ID
Customers can set a value in the “Sign Completion URL” field to redirect to a custom URL once the recipient signs the document. Use Flow or Apex to set the value when an eSign Doc record is created. When redirected, the app will append a URL parameter called “docid”. This is saved in “Encoded ID” field and is unique to the record. You can use this URL param to extend to a process to be able to look up that eSign Doc record and anything related to that record with your own custom code.