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Automate Payments for Existing Customers

Once you have a payment customer record, you can charge that payment customer when needed. Follow these steps to configure:

  1. Create an invoice manually or automatically and set the Invoice.Payment Customer lookup field.
  2. Manually or automatically change Invoice Status to “Submit Charge” to automatically process the payment for the existing customer.
  3. Opero Payments executes the following actions:
    1. Creates Payment record with “Requested” Status.
    2. Updates Invoice Status to “Charge Submitted”.
    3. Attempts to get payment and updates Payment Status to “Succeeded” if successful.
    4. If payment is successful and Invoice Amount is paid in full, updates Invoice Status to “Paid”.
  4. You can also create a Payment record with Requested status manually or automatically to initiate a payment attempt with the Payment Customer. This way you can set your own amount to charge. This is also a good option if you are not using the Invoice object.