Testing Guidelines
Before testing, follow the steps outlined in the Basic Configuration article to install and authorize the app, set up user permissions, and set up payment methods.
Follow the steps listed below to test payment methods configured in Opero Payments:
- Set the Payment Method details to Active=True and Test Mode = True
- Authorize the payment connector.
- Quickbooks:
- Create a Quickbooks Sandbox Company: https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/qbo/docs/develop/sandboxes/manage-your-sandboxes
- Click the “Connect Quickbooks” link and sign into your Quickbooks sandbox company.
- Note that you can only use test mode with a sandbox company. It is not possible to use test mode with a production QB account (there will be an error).
- Stripe:
- Enter test API keys. See the “Payment Method Fields for Stripe Record Type” section of Basic Configuration Article for more information.
- Quickbooks:
- Go to the Invoices tab and create an Invoice record.
- Add line items or create a fixed price invoice.
- Click the Pay Invoice URL link on the invoice record.
- Enter mock credit card or bank account information for the payment method that you are testing.
- Test Quickbooks Credit Card (Visa): 4112344112344113 (any CVC, any future date)
- Test Stripe Credit Card (Visa): 4242424242424242 (any CVC, any future date)
- Test Quickbooks ACH:
- Routing number: 322079353
- Account number: 11000000333456781
- When payment is submitted, the Payment record should be created related to the Invoice with proper status and also exist in the payment gateway used.
- Payment Customer record should be created and set on Invoice and Payment record.
Additional Testing Information
Stripe: https://stripe.com/docs/testing
Quickbooks: https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/qbpayments/docs/workflows/test-your-app