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Configure Faxes for Health Cloud

You can use Opero Fax with Salesforce Health Cloud to route received faxes into Health Cloud’s “Received Document” object.

Go to Fax Configuration tab and verify that you have selected to receive faxes as Files instead of Attachments (Salesforce Classic). By default the fax app will use Files, but if you are are an older customer you may still be configured using Attachments. Check basic configuration article for more info.

The Opero Fax app includes Sent Fax and Received Fax custom objects. Every time you receive a new fax, a new Received Fax record is inserted in your org. The Received Fax record includes an attached PDF file, which is the faxed document.

The Received Fax “Fax URL” field contains the content/file id of the related PDF file. Check an existing record to see what the value of this field looks like to identify what you need to trim in order to just get the file Id/content Id. You can then create a formula to get the file Id from this “Fax URL” field. Or you can also query for the related File on Received Fax to get the file Id.

Now you will create a Flow or apex trigger based on a new Received Fax record being created. The Flow should get the file/content id of the related PDF of the fax then create a Received Document record (object from Health Cloud).

In the Flow the next step would be to create a Content Document Link record to join these two IDs, with the sharing mode to I (inferred).

Sample Flow Configuration Guide

Create an after-save, record-triggered flow.

  • Object: Received Fax
  • Trigger: A record is updated
  • Conditions: All Conditions Are Met (AND)
    • efaxapp__Status__c Equals Received
    • efaxapp__Fax_URL__c Does Not Equal Empty String (Not Null)
  • When to Run the Flow for Updated Records: Only when a record is updated to meet the condition requirements
  • Optimize the Flow for: Actions and Related Records

Create New Resource (formula) to extract the contentDocumentId

  • Name: contentDocumentId
  • Data type: Text
  • Sample Formula Below: RIGHT({!$Record.efaxapp__Fax_URL__c}, (LEN({!$Record.efaxapp__Fax_URL__c})-1))

Create Record: Create Received Document

  • How many records to create: One
  • How to set the Record Fields: Use separate resources, and literal values
  • Create a Record of this Object: Received Document
  • Set Field Values for the Received Document:
    • Direction = Incoming
    • DocumentNumber = $Record> Record ID
    • IsActive = True
    • Name = $Record > Received Fax #
    • Status = Draft

Create Record: Create Content Document Link

  • How Many Records to Create: One
  • How to Set the Record Fields: Use separate resources, and literal values
  • Create a Record of this Object: Content Document Link
  • Set field values for Content Document Link
    • Content Document ID = contentDocumentId (this is the resource you created in previous step)
    • LinkedEntityId = Content Document Id from Create Received Document
    • ShareType = V

Check this article on Salesforce for details on the Received Document integration.